How All-on-4 Implants Can Transform Your Smile

How All-on-4 Implants Can Transform Your Smile

Missing teeth have a way of ruining what would be a perfectly attractive smile, and it certainly puts a dent in your self-confidence. But what’s equally challenging is deciding what to do to replace your missing teeth. Sure there are more choices than ever before, but if you don’t want to or can’t wear dentures and you don’t want to wait up to a year to complete dental implant treatment, what real options do you have?

Dr. Marcano here at Orlando Center for Cosmetic Dentistry recommends All-on-4® dental implants. In this blog, he gives you the lowdown on this game-changing teeth replacement treatment option that can keep you smiling for many years to come.

A unique dental implant treatment option

A great way to start breaking down this topic is to see how All-on-4 implant treatment stacks up against the process for getting traditional dental implants. While you may know that traditional dental implant treatment takes about 6-12 months to complete, do you know why?

The short answer is because it’s a one-to-one replacement option. This is how it plays out. If after doing an exam and X-rays, as needed your provider concludes that you have enough high quality bone density, the process begins. At your first appointment, your provider makes an incision and surgically places a titanium post for each missing tooth. When the treatment is completed each post becomes the equivalent of a natural tooth’s roots by creating a strong, stable foundation in the jawbone.

As the appointment ends when the last incision is closed, and the time element starts to kick in as each titanium post must heal in place and fuse to the jawbone during a process called osseointegration. How long this step takes depends on how many missing teeth you are replacing and how quickly you heal.

Once osseointegration completes, you return to the office so that your provider can collect all the pertinent data to fabricate your artificial tooth. Your dentist takes an impression of your teeth and mouth and will do color matching so that your implants will be virtually undetectable against your remaining natural teeth. Then your provider sends the data to a dental laboratory, which creates your custom crowns. When the crowns return from the lab, you return for your final appointment where your provider installs a crown on top of every implant to create your brand new artificial teeth.

Replace an entire upper or lower arch with four implants

All-on-4 takes all the pluses of dental implants and eliminates the downside by reducing the treatment time. Instead of doing a one-to-one replacement using one titanium post for each missing tooth, All-on-4 can replace an entire upper or lower arch with only four implants each instead of the eight to 10 implants in the one-to-one replacement approach.

Less invasive approach to restoring your smile

While All-on-4 implants still need to go through the osseointegration process, this dental implant treatment variation restores your smile less invasively especially if you’re missing several or all of your teeth. For the patient less invasive translates into fewer incisions that need to heal and fuse as well as quicker recovery and overall treatment timeline.

Reduced risk of surgical complications

Another great perk of All-on-4 being a less invasive approach requiring fewer incisions is that it reduces the risk of infection and surgical complications. It’s no wonder many patients who want to get their teeth replaced, but don’t want to deal with waiting several months to a year to do it are turning to All-on-4 dental implants.

For the convenience of our patients, Dr. Marcano and the team at Orlando Center for Cosmetic Dentistry also offer patients teeth replacement variations called All-on-6® dental implants and Ultratooth®. As the name refers to with All-on-6, Dr. Marcano uses a total of six implants – four implants placed at the front of the jaw and two implants at the back to replace an entire arch of missing teeth. Dr. Marcano places the back implants on an angle to provide maximum stability. Ultratooth is a single tooth immediate load replacement option that only takes one appointment to complete.

If you are missing teeth and would like to learn more about All-on-4 implants and our complete menu of teeth replacement options, contact us at Orlando Center For Cosmetic Dentistry. Click the online booking tool or call or text the office today.

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